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Matt Wheeler

Hey! I'm Matt Wheeler.

I'm a founder, graphic designer & web developer based in Leeds, UK. My background is in digital design & web development with 10 years of combined experience across design and development. I spend most of my days as the Digital Director at ensuring everything is running smoothly. If you want to look at the kind of digital projects I work on, that's the place to go.

Since the age of 16 I've been spinning up new ideas to test the waters if they can become a fully fledged business. is one of those ideas that has continued to grow year-on-year. My next challenge is to scale our team to 15 people. We've taken our focus into choosing to work with businesses that care about people and the planet. This has led us to building web experiences with careful consideration for accessibility, inclusion and sustainability.

Outside of work I like to get away from the screen and spend my days in the outdoors. You can have a read about my life outside of work in the life tab.

Morning Multiplier

One of the ventures I'm currently exploring is the 'Morning Multiplier' a newsletter aimed at young entrepreneurs starting out in their business journey. The idea is to write my learnings, both failures and successes, for others to learn from. I've made so many mistakes in growing with no platform share them. If you're interested please sign-up via the form below.